サーベイ論文 †
- García J and Fernández F (2015). A comprehensive survey on safe reinforcement learning. JMLR 16(42):1437–1480.
- 安全な強化学習に関する最初のサーベイ論文
- Brunke L, Greeff M, Yuan Z, et al. (2022). Safe learning in robotics: From learning-based control to safe reinforcement learning. Annual Review of Control, Robotics and Autonomous Systems 5:411–444. doi: 10.1146/annurev-control-042920-020211
- 安全な強化学習に関するサーベイ論文
- Zhao W, He T, Chen R, et al. (2023). State-wise safe reinforcement learning: A survey. IJCAI 2023 Survey Track:6814–6822. doi: 10.24963/ijcai.2023/763
- 安全な強化学習に関するサーベイ論文。状態ごとに制約付きのMDP (State-wise Constrained MDP)
論文 †
- Ray A, Achiam J, and Amodei D (2019). Benchmarking safe exploration in deep reinforcement learning. Available from https://openai.com/research/benchmarking-safe-exploration-in-deep-reinforcement-learning
- OpenAI Safety Gymに関する論文
Workshop †
- Safe RL 2022
- The 1st International Workshop on Safe Reinforcement Learning Theory and its Applications, IEEE MFI 2022
Web †
- chauncygu (2023). Safe reinforcement learning baselines. GitHub [cited at 2023 Dec 19]. Available from https://github.com/chauncygu/Safe-Reinforcement-Learning-Baselines
- 安全な強化学習に関する情報をまとめたGitHubページ