
2011-12-06 (火) 11:16:34 (4704d) | Topic path: Top / データ・マイニング / TEDプレゼンテーション


Jean-Baptiste Michel and Erez Lieberman Aiden: 5百万冊の本から学んだこと (What we learned from 5 million books)

TEDxBoston 2011, Filmed Jul 2011; Posted Sep 2011, 14:09

Deb Roy: 初めて言えた時(The birth of a word)

TED 2011, Filmed Mar 2011; Posted Mar 2011, 19:52

Rajesh Rao: A Rosetta Stone for the Indus script

TED 2011, Filmed Mar 2011; Posted Jun 2011, 17:01

Anders Ynnerman: 爆発的に増大する医療データの視覚化(Visualizing the medical data explosion)

TEDxGöteborg 2010, Filmed Nov 2010; Posted Jan 2011, 16:37

David McCandless: データ・ビジュアライゼーションの美(The beauty of data visualization)

TEDGlobal 2010, Filmed Jul 2010; Posted Aug 2010, 18:17

Tim Berners-Lee: オープン・データとマッシュ・アップで変わる世界(The year open data went worldwide)

TED 2010, Filmed Feb 2010; Posted Mar 2010, 05:34

JoAnn Kuchera-Morin: アロスフィアの旅(Stunning data visualization in the AlloSphere)

TED 2009, Filmed Feb 2009; Posted Apr 2009, 06:25

Tim Berners-Lee: 次のウェブ(The next Web)

TED 2009, Filmed Feb 2009, Posted Mar 2009, 16:20


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