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- 金融データ・マイニング/論文 へ行く。
- 1 (2009-12-09 (水) 17:32:53)
- 2 (2011-12-09 (金) 09:41:02)
- 3 (2012-01-23 (月) 06:12:43)
- 4 (2012-01-23 (月) 08:25:10)
機械学習 †
- On Stochastic and Worst-case Models for Investing
Elad Hazan, Satyen Kale
NIPS 2009 - Risk-Sensitive Online Learning
Eyal Even-Dar, Michael Kearns and Jennifer Wortman, ALT 2006, pp. 199-213 (2006)
6-year S&P 500
データ・マイニング †
- Enhancing Investment Decision in P2P Lending: An Investor Composition Perspective
Chunyu Luo; Hui Xiong; Wenjun Zhou; Yanhong Guo; Guishi Deng, KDD 2011
テキスト・マイニング †
- "I Loan Because...": Understanding Motivations for Pro-Social Lending
Yang Liu, Roy Chen, Yan Chen, Qiaozhu Mei and Suzy Salib, WSDM 2012 - Predicting market movements: from breaking news to emerging social media
Hsinchun Chen, SocInfo 2011, p. 5, 2011 - Strategic Human Resource Management Content in the Annual Report of Companies: An Analysis Through Text Mining
Kunal Kamal Kumar, Ashok Kumar, Indore Management Journal, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 19-30, 2011